Ever see the Labyrinth movie with David Bowie? Well the writer must have gotten his idea for The Ball of Eternal Stench from this city. This city was certainly not built on Rock and Roll, it was built on rubbish and sewer smells. We have to keep the windows open in the Studio to keep the fans working well and the smell actually gets blown around the room. There is no escape. Except my upstairs bedroom which is lovely. Anyway I no worries, I'll just buy some fresh flowers tomorrow and pray the bin-men come.
There is lots to do here. Every evening there is something to do. Lots of cultural Apsara dancing by sort of charity schools who try to keep the kids off the street. One of the cafés on the riverfront shows Kymer history movies throughout the day. I can't wait to go to a Cambodian Shadow Puppet show. Never mind the outdoor aerobics everywhere. There is a photographer who gives day tours to temples combined with photography lessons, so I'll do that on my next day off. We worked hard all weekend. Some Finnish Architectural lecturers were to come into us this afternoon. We are in return going to their presentation on Thursday at the Architectural college. Gotta get my business cards printed before then! Not for seeking employment, but everyone gives them out here for friendship or networking or coffee dates or ...outdoor aerobics.
I went for a walk the other morning and got lost only to find myself at 'Small Bikes' motor bike rental shop. Indiana Jones upstairs told me that an Irish guy owned it with his wife so I went to say hello and get directions. Big fella called Ronan from Tallaght. He told me all the stories about the building sites in Dublin and cool things he said to people and how right he was about everything and how he was taught in school by a CIE bus conductor who knew nothin about n-e-tin. I don't know how I kept a straight face. In fairness he knew all about the buildings I was studying. Can't wait to go for a beer with him.
Now, last night when I was actually on Skype to Amanda, the power went. It usually (usually?!) goes for about 15 minutes but it was out for 2 hours. We took our chairs and sat on the stoop. Indiana Jones came down and an american girl chatted too. She playes frizbee everyday, all day from 9am. Ultimate Frizbee. It's 37 degrees here. I think she's a sicko with a death wish. I can't move for the heat, I hardly know my own name.
Woman's Day is massive here, it's a matriarchal society. The men move into the women's family homes, God love them. The Ancient Queens carried the royal blood line. They just let the men they married rule, or think they were ruling. Clever ladies.
Being Woman's day Today the Boss and I went to see some of the buildings I'm supposed to be drawing. It was great. They were so fantastic. One was a theatre converted to a pool hall / table tennis hall, packed out with the ever energetic Cambodians. We snook around and walked up stairs we were not supposed to. He actually knocked a padlock off a gammy door and we almost got locked into the University. Well he does have an ID card. I'm getting one tomorrow.
Some pictures to follow.
This time of night, around 10pm a guy walks up and down the street and side alleys beating a tune on a bamboo stick. He's doing it right now. A little rhythm, but it's different every night. Tic, tica tic tic, tic tica tic tic. It means The Noodles are Ready. Where? I don't know. Maybe at the end of the street.
I'm looking forward to my fresh flowers in the morning already now.
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