Friday, February 26, 2010

Koh Phi Phi

Well well well. We've made it to Koh Samui.
We flew from Saigon to Phuket or Fuckit as we like to call it. Immediately on the Air Aisa flight we were delighted to be back with lovely Thai people. On asking the airhost if we could have a glass of wine he thought it was hilarious and said we could have lots of wine when we landed. It wasnt really that funny but it was nice to see happy smiley people again. Everyone just laughs at us in our faces here in Thailand. It is as if we are wearing big red noses and dont realise.
We got the ferry to Koh Phi Phi the next morning. It was a cool town. Narrow windy little streets. It's shocking to realise it has all been rebuilt in the past 5 years since the tsunami. We thought the night life was a little lacking, quiet beach bars playing 1980's eurovision music. On the way home to hit the leaba we were told there was a beach party at the beach close our hotel. Well, we got a shock when we got down there. Dear God. There were 4 beach clubs with blaring music and an actual hoop of fire with drunk people jumping through it! Seriously. Then the locals but the Hoop Of Fire out and set a giant skipping rope on fire, two guys stood on stools either side to swing the thing and people took turns to skip, barely lasting three or four skips before falling over and kreeling themselves. The air reeked of the smell of singed hair. Amanda wouldnt let me do it. Wait till you see the pictures.
We didn't partake in the fire action but had good fun. We met these americans and entertained ourselves discussing the double meaning of words. For example when we say "pissed' we mean drunk but the Americans mean angry. And we say 'taking the piss' means pulling your leg. One of the guys was trying to keep up with us and act like he knew all the meanings already and started saying "yeah yeah yeah I piss on the shit all the time!" Jaynee, Amanda and I nearly fell of our seats laughing. We are still laughing about it.

Our next port of call was Koh Jam, also called Koh Pu. So we're leaving Pee Pee to go to Poo
Please forgive my colourful use of language in this last section.

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